SFC models in Python

Here is a letter from Kenn Tamara, who developed the models in Godley-Lavoie using Python:

I was reading “Monetary Economics” by Godley and Lavoie and came across the sfc-models.net website. I have taken your eViews models and reimplemented them using Python (running the experiments and generating the figures).

Everything is open-source and is written with a package that I developed to help specify and solve the models. The models are implemented as iPython notebooks for easier viewing and can be found at:

Information on the pysolve package used to specify and solve the models can be found at:

(A little warning, the code for pysolve is still under development and there isn’t that much documentation yet)

I hope that the python implementation is useful and would like to contribute it to sfc-models.net.

Thank you,
Kenn Takara

Solving models over the internet

I have dropped the “social network” part of this website, including the Forum section, so I am replicating here a post meant to start a discussion…

I think it would be interesting and helpful to have some simple code for solving models over the internet, allowing visitors to a web site to change parameters, or size of a shock, and check the outcome of simulations.
A nice example, for a different class of models, has been developed here: http://p.seppecher.free.fr/jamel
Anyone interested in contributing?