Reducing Economic Imbalances in the Euro Area

A new Levy Institute Working Paper analyzing sectoral financial balances in the Euro Area

Gregor Semieniuk, Till van Treeck, and Achim Truger, ‘Reducing Economic Imbalances in the Euro Area: Some Remarks on the Current Stability Programs, 2011–14’ Levy Institute Working paper #694, October, 2011.

Link to PDF

Stock-flow lab at the Minsky Summer Seminar

The stock-flow lab at the Minsky Summer School was a success, according to my personal view…
Some students asked me to make materials availble on the web, since we did not use the readily available programs I had previously published, and I have therefore created a Walk-trough for what we did during the three days.
Students attending were great, keeping their attention to the last minute of the lab, even after a long working day.

Files available: