Ayoze Alfageme kindly offered to update our references database on publications adopting the stock-flow-consistent approach.
The following is a preliminary list of recent papers, that will soon be included in our database:
- Le Heron, E. (2013). Macro-foundations of micro and micro-foundations of macro: Income distribution, increasing risks and household behaviours. Working paper (Limerick SFC Workshops).
- Ehnts, D. H. (2013). Macroeconomic imbalances in an open economy stock-flow consistent model., working paper
- Bernardo, G., & Campiglio, E. (2013). A simple model of income, aggregate demand and the process of credit creation by private banks. Empirica, 1-25.
- Mazier, J., & Valdecantos, S. (2013). A Multi-Speed Europe: is it viable? A Stock-Flow Consistent Approach. Working paper
- Belabed, C. A., Theobald, T., & van Treeck, T. (2013). Income Distribution and Current Account Imbalances. Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Working paper
- Dafermos, Y., & Papatheodorou, C. Modelling the effects of functional on personal income distribution: A flow-of-funds approach. Working paper
- Kinsella, S. (2013). Are there policy alternatives to Ireland’s austerity?, Working paper.
- Carvalho, L., & Di Guilmi, C. (2013). Macroeconomic instability and microeconomic financial fragility: a stock-flow consistent approach with heterogeneous agents, Working paper.
- de Jager, P. (2014), Fair value accounting, fragile bank balance sheets and crisis: A model, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 39, Issue 2
- Caiani, A., Godin, A. and Lucarelli, S. (2014), A Stock Flow Consistent Analysis of a Schumpeterian Innovation Economy. Metroeconomica, 65: 397–429. doi: 10.1111/meca.12045
- Costa Lima, B. and Grasselli, M.R. (2014). Destabilizing a stable crisis: Employment persistence and government intervention in macroeconomics, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Volume 30, September 2014, Pages 30–51
- van Suntum, U. (2014). Böhm-Bawerk meets Keynes: What does determine the interest rate, and can the latter become negative? (No. 65). CAWM Discussion Paper, Centrum für Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung Münster.
- Caverzasi, E., & Godin, A. (2014). Financialization and the sub-prime crisis: a Stock-Flow Consistent model, Working paper.
- van Suntum, U. (2013). Long Term Effects of Fiscal and Monetary Policy in a Stock-Flow-Consistent Macro-Framework, journal Credit and Capital Markets, Volume 46, issue 2, p 181-212
- Nikolaidi, M. (2014), Margins of Safety and Instability in a Macrodynamic Model with Minskyan Insights (May 2014). Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 31, 2014.
- Boik, J.C. (2014). First Microsimulation Model of a LEDDA Community Currency–Dollar Economy, Working paper
- Nikolaidi, M. (2014). Securitisation, wage stagnation and financial fragility: A stock-flow consistent perspective, Working paper
- Caverzasi, E., & Godin, A. (2014). Post-Keynesian stock-flow-consistent modelling: a survey. Cambridge Journal of Economics.